
The Moral Pedagogy of Pre-school Classics-Reading: a Study Based on the Platform Sutra's Idea of "Deluded in mind, one is turned by the Lotus. Enlightened in mind, one turns the Lotus."=學前讀經道德教育—以《六祖壇經》思想「心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華」為研究中心
作者 Ji, Hsiu-hui (著)=紀秀慧 (au.)
出版者網址 http://www.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授索羅寧=Kirill Solonin
關鍵詞lotus turning; sutra-reading moral pedagogy moral frameworks; filial piety; delusion; enlightenment; sutra recitation
Present day society is in urgent need of moral pedagogy, particularly in the area of pre-school morality. What is needed even more urgently is practice and research, because just as the development of a tree must begin with the “sprout” stage—with light, water, soil, and nutrients to cultivate it and make it grow to maturity and blossom, young students must begin their studies in the same way. Only if they can be made to know and do in concert, and open them to moral wisdom, can they then really become the masters of our future. Therefore the author believes the Sixth Patriarch Master Hui-neng's pedagogical idea:Deluded in mind, one is turned by the Lotus. Enlightened in mind, one turns the Lotus.
To recite with the mouth and practice in the mind is to turn the sutra.To recite with the mouth without practicing in the mind is to be turned by the sutra. 「心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華」,「口誦心行,即是轉經;口誦心不行,即是被經轉」。It is hoped that, since the classics can guide us along the road of life, they can also lead children to experience life, live in morality, and open them to wisdom. According to otherdox approach, the Filial Way following the children and parents' relationship. Understanding they should respect teachers and follow the Way can lead to social harmony.Therefore, can a “Sutra-Reading Moral Practice Class” that utilizes the Sixth Patriarch's “Lotus Turning” concept be used in preschool pedagogy? This thesis is divided into four parts: Chapter One uses the research method of deep counseling, combined with parents' daily “filial heart, filial behavior” records, and students' drawings in their “filial heart, filial family albums” to examine the results of the proposed “Sutra-Reading Moral Practice Class.” Chapter Two deals with the origins of “Deluded in mind, one is turned by the Lotus. Enlightened in mind, one turns the Lotus.” This chapter introduces the Sixth Patriarch's background and thought, examining the difference between “delusion” and “enlightenment” and commenting on the actual significance of “lotus turning.” Chapter Three is about the application of the thought of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch to preschool moral pedagogy. First it examines present society's delusions and confusions, and then analyzes the Confucian and Buddhist moral frameworks. Finally it discusses how to combine the Sixth Patriarch's thought with enlightenment pedagogy. Chapter Four, the conclusion, begins with the implementation of the project and deep counseling materials and ends with research on the feasibility of preschool moral practice.

道德教育是現今社會急需加強的教育,尤其在學前道德教育這一塊領域上,更需要去推行與研究的,因為一顆樹的栽培,需從幼苗時期就得給予充足的陽光、水分、土壤、養分,滋潤著它,使它健全的成長,方能開花結果;那學前的幼童,也是一樣的,若是從小能讓他們「知行合一」,開啟生活道德智慧,才能真正成為我們未來的主人翁。因此筆者以六祖慧能大師的教育理念「心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華」,「口誦心行,即是轉經;口誦心不行,即是被經轉」。希望藉由經典指引我們人生的路,帶領幼童們去體驗生活,落實道德,開啟智慧。以「正念」而行,落實「孝道」,增進親子關係,懂得尊師重道,並能促進社會和諧。因此,藉由推行「讀經道德落實班」來探究六祖思想中的「轉法華」之可行性,是否能運用在學前道德教育上?本論文共分為四章:第一章 緒論 ,是利用深度訪談的質性研究方法,結合家長平日的「孝心孝行」記錄,以及學生自行繪畫記錄的「孝心孝行家事簿」。來探究分析以瞭解推動此「讀經道德落實班」的成效。第二章 《六祖壇經》思想在學前道德教育上之應用,首先探討現今社會的迷思,分析佛儒間的道德規範,進而引用並結合六祖思想,以覺之教育運用實施。第三章 「心迷法華轉,心悟轉法華」之源流,此章介紹六祖慧能大師之背景與思想,配合文獻探究「迷」、與「悟」的不同,並點出「轉法華」的真正意涵。第四章 結論,從實施計畫中,配合深度訪談的資料等,去研究學前道德落實的可行性。
目次Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………….…2
Acknowledgements ……………………………………………………………………...5
Contents ………………………………………………………………………………....7

Chapter One: Introduction …………………………………………………………….10
 Section One: Research Motive and Objectives …………………………………. 11
 Section Two: Research Methods (Deep Counseling and Observation) ………….14
 Section Three: Research Parameters and Limitations …………………………,,.18

Chapter Two: The origins of the idea of “Deluded in mind, one is turned by the Lotus. Enlightened in mind, one turns the Lotus.” ………………………….20
 Section One: the Historical Background and Thought of the Platform Sutra ……………………………20
  I. The Legend of Hui-neng’s Life ………………………………….............20
  II. Prajñā Thought in the Platform Sutra………………………………......21
 Section Two: Analysis of “Delusion” and “Enlightenment” in the Platform Sutra…………………………………35
  I. The Significance of “Delusion” ………………………………………….36
  II. The Method of Turning Delusion into Enlightenment ………………….43
  III. The Realm of “Enlightenment” ………………………………………..53
 Section Three: The significance of the “Lotus turning, and turning the Lotus” …………………………….55
  I. Lotus turning …………………………………………………………….55
  II. Master Hui-neng's Idea of Pedagogy …………………………………...58

Chapter Three: The application of the teaching o f the Platform Sutra ………..…….63
 Section One: The Confusions of Modern Pedagogy ……………………………63
 Section Two: The Framework of Buddhist Morality ………………….………..65
  I. Ethical Norms ………………………………………………….………..66
  Ii. Moral Frameworks ……………………………………………………..69
 Section Three: the “Awakening of other” Bodhisattva Practice …………..…...72
  I. Self-cultivation. ………………………………………………………....73
  II. Ethics and Morals …………………………………………….……..…73
  III. Serving the Public …………………………………………………….76

Chapter Four: Conclusion …………………………………………………………..79
 Section One: Concrete Outcomes of the Moral Pedagogy of Pre-school Classics-Reading …………………….81
  I. Implementation of the preschool moral education project ……………..81
  II. Analytical Results of In-depth Interviews……………………………..87
 Section Two: the Difficulties and Challenges of Carrying Out Moral Education ………………………………116
  I. The Difficulty of Carrying Out Preschool Education …………………116
  II. Difficulties and Challenges of Continuity between Kindergarten and Elementary School…………………120
  III. The Difficulties of Implementing complete Moral Education…….....121
 Section Three: Conclusion …………………………………………………..122

Appendix One: Chart of Interviewed Children’s Grade Level ……………………..127
Appendix Two: Indepth Interview Questions ………………………………………128
Bibliography ………………………………………………………………………...132

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