
《般舟三昧經》「除睡眠」之研究=A study of “eliminate sleep” in Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra
作者 釋覺心 (撰)=Shi, Jue-xin (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.dila.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞《般舟三昧經》=Pratyutpanna Samā; 不睡眠=do not Sleep; 常行三昧=Chang-Tsing-San-Mei; 般舟三昧; 除睡眠; dhi Sū; tra; dhi; eliminate Sloth and Torpor
摘要《般舟三昧經》(Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra)是初期大乘其中一部重要經典,記載著念十方現在諸佛的方法。依此經修持,能達到「定中見現在諸佛現前」的境界¬——「般舟三昧」(Pratyutpanna Samādhi)。後漢時期,支婁迦讖(Lokakṣema,147-246)將此經帶到中國,並於光和二年(179)譯成漢文。此經多處提到「般舟」行者必須「除睡眠」、「除睡臥」、「?睡臥」、「棄於睡眠」、「不得臥出」,後人普遍將它們解讀為「不睡眠」,因而發展出九十日「不睡眠」的「般舟三昧」修法,一直流傳至今。然而,九十日「不睡眠」可能嗎?儘管覺得不太可能,自古以來卻有不少人實踐之。無論如何,筆者從《般舟三昧經》之異譯本——《賢護分》及Harrison(1998)之英譯本發現,「除睡眠」等詞部分被譯為「除睡蓋」。到底「除睡眠」等詞指的是「不睡眠」、「除睡蓋」或其它意思?這是本文嘗試釐清的問題,分四個階段以探討之。



The Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra is one of the early Mahayana sutra, in which stated the contemplation method of all present Buddhas in ten directions. By practicing according to such contemplation method, one can attain “Pratyutpanna Samādhi” and see the Buddhas appear in his Samādhi. During Later Han Dynasty, Lokakṣema (147-246) brought this sutra to China, and translated it in to Chinese in year 179 A.D. In his Chinese translation of Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra, there are quite several of places, Chinese terminology terms “eliminate sleep” (除睡眠, 除睡臥,棄於睡眠, 不得臥出) appear. The Chinese practitioners commonly comprehend such terms as “do not sleep”, even in the “middle night” (2-6am). Consequently, a method which emphasizes on “do not sleep” within 90 days developed in China, and has been widespread until nowadays. However, is it possible without sleeping for 90 days? Although my intuition suggests that it is impossible, there was not a few number of practitioners have put it into practice in the past. Anyway, I found that Harrison (1998) in some places of his English translation of Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra, has translated “除睡眠” etc. as “eliminating sleepiness”. At the same time, I found that “除睡眠” (do not sleep) in Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra are translated as “除睡蓋”(eliminate torpor) in the parallel sutra called Bhadrapāla Sutra (《賢護分》). They suggest that “除睡眠” can represent two meanings, which is “not to sleep” and “eliminate torpor”. Between these two, which is the most proper and fit better to the whole context of Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra? This is the main problem statement of this paper, and I have made a deep study towards this topic by following four steps.
First of all, I have clarify the whole framework of practice contained in Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra, and determined the position of “eliminate sleep” (除睡眠) in the whole framework. The result suggests that the practice of “eliminate sleep” (除睡眠) is not the main factor that let a practitioner to attain Pratyutpanna Samādhi, the main factors are: empowerment of the Buddha, the force of Samādhi, and the force of one’s virtues collected in the past. If anyone wish to improve the force of Samādhi, he should practice regarding following steps: “ preserve the śilā → stay in a lonely place → recollect the Buddha → single mindedly recollect the Buddha → see the Buddha(s) → practice the insight of śūnyatā.”
Secondly, a comparative study of Chinese, Tibetan and English versions of Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra has been made, and the result suggests that “除睡眠”should take the meaning as “eliminate torpor” rather than “do not sleep”.
Thirdly, since there is a common viewpoint stated that Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra is based on tradition of dhūtaguṇa, a deep study has been made regarding this tradition, and it shows that the practitioners of dhūtaguṇa do actually sleep during middle-night, but they sleep in sitting posture, since they are not allowed to lie
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 問題意識與研究目的 2
一、「除睡眠」詞義考究 2
二、「不睡眠」的「般舟三昧」普及化的原因 4
第三節 既有文獻之探討 6
一、略提《般舟三昧經》之實踐特色——「除睡眠」 6
二、《般舟三昧經》版本考據 7
三、《般舟三昧經》現代譯本 9
四、佛教對「睡眠」的觀點與實踐 10
第四節 研究方法與步驟 13
第五節 論文架構 14
第二章 《般舟三昧經》之傳譯與實踐 15
第一節《般舟三昧經》之傳譯 15
一、《般舟三昧經》之漢譯過程 15
二、現存漢譯本 18
三、《般舟三昧經》的傳譯系統 23
四、現存各種語言譯本 24
第二節 漢、藏《般舟三昧經》架構比對 26
第三節 經題之探討 28
一、「般舟」之意 28
二、「般舟三昧」之意 30
第四節《般舟三昧經》之修行地圖 33
一、修持「般舟三昧」的目標 34
二、《般舟三昧經》的整體修法 35
三、《般舟三昧經》之禪修地圖 49
第五節「除睡眠」於整體修法中的定位 50
第三章 《般舟三昧經》「除睡眠」之詞義考 51
第一節 《般舟三昧經》古今譯本之比對 53
(一)《般舟三昧經》與「現代譯本」之比對 53
(二) 現存漢譯《般舟三昧經》異譯本之比對 55
(三)漢、藏《般舟三昧經》之比對 57
第二節 「除睡眠」等詞在其它漢譯經典中 60
(一)「除睡眠」即「除睡眠蓋」 60
(二)「不得臥出」、「未嘗睡眠」即「去除睡眠蓋」 62
(三)「?睡臥」即「除睡眠蓋」 63
(四)「睡眠」、「睡臥」、「睡眠蓋」、「惛沈睡眠」、「惛沈睡眠蓋」,名異義同 63
第三節 小結 65
第四章 《般舟三昧經》「除睡眠」與「頭陀」的關係 67
第一節 當機眾Bhadrapāla與「頭陀」的關係 68
一、“Bhadrapāla” 之不同譯名 68
二、跋陀和之「頭陀」功德 68
三、從「人生分期」(āśrama)看跋陀和之「頭陀」行 70
第二節《般舟三昧經》諸譯本與「頭陀」關係 72
一、三卷本《般舟三昧經》(T.418) 73
二、一卷本《般舟三昧經》(T.417) 74
三、《拔陂菩薩經》(T.419) 75
四、《賢護經》(T.416) 75
五、只有比丘菩薩受持「頭陀」 77
六、「頭陀」在漢譯諸本的定位 78
第三節 由「頭陀」檢視「除睡眠」之實踐 79
第四節 超出「頭陀苦行」之「不睡眠」 81
一、二十億耳:「竟夜」經行、不眠 81
二、阿那律:因「不睡眠」而眼壞 82
三、惡比丘尼:以「不睡眠」戲弄客人 83
四、「不睡眠」的「般舟三昧」 83
第五節 小結 86
第五章 「不睡眠」之「般舟」源流 89
第一節、略論修持「般舟三昧」的姿勢 89
一、念佛見佛的「三種姿勢」 89
二、古德採用的「般舟」姿勢 96
三、「見佛」的關鍵因素 97
第二節 「般舟三昧」與「常行三昧」關係之演變 98
一、中國古德的看法 99
二、「常行三昧」與《般舟三昧經》行法之比較 102
三、「常行三昧」與「般舟三昧」之差異 107
第三節 智者大師對於「除睡眠」的觀點 108
第四節 小結 111
第六章 結論 113
參考文獻 117

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