
《圓覺經》如來藏空性智慧的教學=The Theme of this Thesis is the Teaching of the Emptiness Wisdom of Tathagata in "Yuanjue Sutra"
作者 李淑芬 (撰)=Li, Shu-fen (compose)
出版者網址 https://www-ch.scu.edu.tw/october/
出版地臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞圓覺妙心=round sense of the heart; 如來藏=Tathāgata Within; 空性=emptiness; 真如=truth; 萬法=Wanfa (All truths)
「如來藏」的原字是(tathāgata-garbha/ the Tathāgata Within:containing Tathāgata),意即如來隱藏在內。此一複合詞中的「如來」(tathāgata),表示如是而來及如是而去,也就是闡釋生命世界根本向度上的來去。此「如來藏」是指稱眾生在無盡的生命流程中,由於被眾多的善惡資訊所覆蓋,因此,無法透視整個生命實相。若由此一空性概念去深究考察,不僅可發掘出生命之流的來龍去脈和橫向的廣大連結,而且可做為通往菩提道的修行軌則。
全文共分為六個章節:第一章緒論。第二章文獻的依據和學術回顧。第三章《圓覺經》的教學綱領與觀修原則,說明本經的教學要旨,探討菩薩從因地開始的修行方法,並分析不同根性者的禪修法要。第四章探討如來藏的義涵和特質。第五章依止圓覺妙心將如來藏修成如來果位,分為三節陳述:第一節,闡明真如法性與現象萬法之義理,第二節,如來藏以善觀因緣排除錯謬認知,第三節,如來藏空性智慧展現於圓覺妙心的修學應用。第六章 結論,總結本文的要點。

The theme of this thesis is the teaching of the emptiness wisdom of Tathagata in " Yuanjue Sutra". It mainly analyzes the emptiness wisdom of Tathagata in the "Yuanjue Sutra", and unfolds the theoretical framework revealing the core tenet of concern - all beings have buddha nature, and everyone can become a Buddha. As long as you follow the study in the book, you can follow the map in the observation and help to see the blind spots on the practice road as a practical guide.
The original word is tathāgata-garbha/ the Tathāgata Within, which means that tathāgata is hidden within. The "tathāgata" in this compound word means that if it comes and then goes, it is to explain the fundamental direction of the life world. This “Tathāgata Within” refers to the fact that all beings are in the endless life process. Because they are covered with a plethora of information of good and evil, they cannot see the whole life reality. If we study this concept of emptiness, we shall not only discover the ins and outs of the flow of life and the vast links, but also serve as a guideline for the Bodhi Path.
The full text is divided into six chapters: Chapter 1 Introduction. The second chapter is the basis and academic review of the literature. The third chapter is the teaching program of Yuanjue Sutra, which explores the practice methods of Buddhism from the beginning of the earth and analyzes the meditation methods of different roots. The fourth chapter explores the meaning and traits of the Tathāgata Within. The fifth chapter positions the cultivation of Tathāgata Within in the round sense of the heart. It is divided into three sections: the first section, which clarifies the truth of law and the phenomenon of Wanfa (All truths), and the second section, Tathāgata Within eliminates the misunderstanding of the cause. In the third section, the emptiness wisdom of Tathāgata Within is presented in the application of study in the round sense of the heart. Chapter 6 Conclusions summarizes the main points of this paper.
Buddhism has spread from India to the East, and it has been integrated with Chinese culture. It has become a religious philosophical system suitable for the Chinese people. In particular, the "Yuanjue Sutra" has taught the classic sects of Huayan, Tiantai and Zen since the Tang, Song and Ming dynasties. The emptiness wisdom of Tathāgata Within since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, such as the Shurangama Sutra, the Yuanjue Sutra, and the Dacheng Qixin Theory, have been hailed as the two classics and one theory, and many schools have been recognized and widely quoted, and the influence on the future generation is far-reaching.
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究主題與動機 1
第二節 研究進路與方法 3
第三節 文獻依據 4
第四節 研究架構 5
第五節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討與學界研究概況 8
第一節 《圓覺經》作為主要依據的經典 8
一、《圓覺經》傳譯之背景 8
二、《圓覺經》漢譯及古德註疏本 11
三、就《圓覺經》而選用宗密注疏本之特色 12
四、《圓覺經》之結構 15
第二節 學術回顧 18
一、與《圓覺經》相關之學術著作 18
二、與「如來藏」學理相關之學術研究 21
第三章 《圓覺經》的教學綱領與觀修原則 25
第一節 《圓覺經》教學之要旨 25
一、經義之核心內涵 26
二、自力與佛力並舉之效益 29
第二節 成佛之根本因地修行法門 32
一、圓覺妙心之理境 33
二、無明呈顯之虛妄相 36
三、以幻身修治無明之幻相 37
第三節 《圓覺經》的菩提道禪修法要 39
一、異於各種禪法的圓覺觀修形態 39
二、對利根上智之啟發 42
三、對諸餘根性之因勢利導 45
四、對末法時代禪觀行者之教誨 59
第四節 如來藏在眾生位修學之進程 62
一、眾生輪廻之根本 62
二、釐清四相之依戀與無始無明住地之禍源 65
三、依障淺深之五性差別 73
四、遠離作、止、任、滅之徧執 77
第四章 如來藏義理之闡明 79
第一節 「如來藏」之義涵與特質 79
第二節 如來與真如 81
第三節 法界與法性 84
第四節 法身與佛性 87
第五節 心清淨與心性本淨 92
第六節 空如來藏與不空如來藏 99
第五章 依止圓覺妙心將如來藏修成如來果位 102
第一節 真如法性與現象萬法之義理 102
一、真如法性即圓覺妙心 102
二、現象界即如來藏所顯現之萬法 103
三、從緣起現象觀察真如法性之理則 104
四、真如與萬法之相互轉換 107
第二節 如來藏以善觀因緣排除錯謬認知 111
一、如來藏為眾生流轉生死趨往涅槃之所依 111
二、有情虛妄分別之消弭 114
第三節 如來藏空性智慧展現於圓覺妙心的修學應用 118
一、以無所得為方便救度眾生──根據諸經典作為佐證 118
二、《圓覺經》以如幻智度如幻眾生 138
第六章 結論 145
參考書目 147
附 錄 相關依據的佛經 157

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