
神聖性在台灣宗教文化創意商品行銷組合思維中的角色探討=The Role of Sacredness in Taiwan's Religious and Cultural Creative Product Marketing Mix
作者 劉鳳娟 (著)=Liu, Feng-chuan (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.fju.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞神聖性=Sacredness; 文化創意產業=Culture creative industry; 宗教文化創意產業= Religion Culture and Creative Product; 產品特性=Product Characteristics; 行銷組合=Marketing Mix
1. 彙整西方宗教核心本質「神聖」的發展脈絡,並解析此「神聖」意涵在台灣宗教文化環境下呈現的內涵本質及模樣。
2. 了解台灣宗教文創商品之樣貌,特別是佛、道兩宗教,試圖分析神聖意涵與商品之間可能的關聯性。
3. 初步提出台灣宗教文創商品行的銷組合元素,並針對其應用提出說明。

There seems to be a certain degree of mutual exclusion between“Religion” and “industry”. Due to Taiwan government's emphasis on the development of cultural and creative industries, the religious cultural and creative industries have evolved from implicit economic operations to explicit religious management issues. In Taiwan, the spread of religion is no longer based solely on traditional missionary thinking as a basis for proliferation. Instead, it is transformed into a product that heals people's hearts with religious cultural elements that unique to each religion, as a powerful tool for demonstrating doctrine and boosting religious economic growth. In order to understand the characteristics of being a religious cultural and creative commodity, this thesis attempts to employ the thought of sacredness of Western religion as the basis, trying to find out the sacred characteristics of Taiwan's religious cultural and creative products. Furthermore, based on the theory of marketing, the marketing mix concept for Taiwan’s religious cultural and creative products has been proposed. The purposes of this paper are:
1. to analyze and summarize the development of the "sacredness" nature of the core of Western religion, and to compare the meaning and appearance of "sacredness" meaning in Taiwan’s religious cultural environment.
2. to understand the appearance of Taiwan's religious cultural products, especially the religions of Buddhism, Taoism and folk religion, trying to find the possible connection between sacred meaning and religious cultural products.
3. to propose the marketing mix elements of Taiwan's religious cultural and creative products and provide explanations for its application.

This paper focuses on the review and analysis of literature, supplemented by market observations and expert interviews. Based on the three major categories of consumer commodity demand attributes (functionality, empiricism and symbolism), this study proposes three characteristics of religious cultural and creative products, namely the representation of religious life patterns, the transformation of religious meanings and the injection of sacred elements. In the continuation, the sacred elements of religious cultural and creative products are used as the basis for discussion. With reference to the traditional marketing mix theory, the five marketing elements of cultural and creative products are proposed, namely, products, prices, channels, promotion, people and relationships. With the understanding of these six marketing mix elements, hopes to construct the marketing mix theory of Taiwan's religious cultural and creative products.
This study begins with the exploration of the sacredness of Western religions, and then takes the religious cultural and creative products characteristics of Taiwan's religious, such as Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religions, and the traditional marketing mix theory as the main axis in order to conclude and pro
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 2
第二節 研究目標 3
第三節 文獻探討 4
一文化創意產業 4
二 文化創意產業的定義與範疇 6
三 台灣宗教文化創意產業 10
四 台灣宗教文化創意產業相關研究 12
五 宗教文化創意產業與神聖性 14
六 文化商品VS.宗教文化創意商品 16
七 宗教文化創意商品的行銷思維 18
第四節 研究方法 19
一 研究問題 19
二 研究取向與方法 20
三 研究可能之限制 20
第五節 本章結論 21

第二章 宗教神聖性 22
第一節 「神聖」的定義 22
第二節 西方的神聖論 24
一 歷史脈絡 24
二 伊利亞德的神聖辯證 27
第三節 台灣多元宗教中的神聖特性 29
一 台灣宗教對於神聖的解釋 30
二 東西方神聖觀點的差異 32
第四節 神聖性在宗教文創商品的顯現 35
一 宗教文創商品類別 35
第五節 本章結論 38

第三章 台灣宗教文化創意商品 發展現況與行銷思維 40
第一節 台灣宗教文創商品的種類與銷售 40
一 與宗教儀式緊密連結的宗教文創商品 40
二 宗教團體為信眾提供的宗教性商品 46
三 採用宗教元素製成商品的商業販售導向商品 48
第二節 台灣宗教文化創意商品的行銷 52
一 一種文化消費的取向 52
二 產品特性分析 54
三 宗教文創商品中的神聖性特質與行銷 56
第三節 行銷組合的源起與發展 58
第四節 宗教文創商品的行銷組合取向 63
一 產品 66
二 定價 66
三 通路 67
四 促銷(推廣) 68
五 人 68
六 關係(信仰) 69
第五節 本章結論 70

第四章 討論與結論 71
第一節 研究發現 72
一 神聖的體現 72
二 宗教文創商品的特性 72
三 宗教文創商品行銷組合五元素:產品、價格、通路、促銷(推廣)、人、關係 73
第二節 研究貢獻 76
第三節 實務應用與未來研究取向建議 76

參考文獻 79
附錄1 深度訪談題項 85
附錄2 深度訪談紀錄 87
附錄3 宗教文創商品可能之行銷組合元素統整表 99

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