
夢參老和尚弘揚《占察善惡業報經》研究=Research of Venerable Master Meng Tsan Promoted on The Zhancha Shan'e Yebao Jing
作者 林枟萓 (著)
出版者網址 https://www.hfu.edu.tw/
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞夢參老和尚=Master Meng Can; 《占察善惡業報經》=“Sutra of Zhancha Shan'e Yebao Jing ”; 懺法=repentance ritual; 根聚法門=Dharma of interfusing faculties; 一實境界=one true realm

Master Meng Can (1915 – 2017), from the town of Kaitong in Heilongjiang Province, is a venerable sage in today’s Buddhist community. He studied from numerous Grand Masters in the past, including Master Ci Zhou, Master Xu Yun, Master Yan Xu, and Master Hong Yi, and later went to Tibet for ten years of Dharma learning. He often encourages himself with the verse: “Even if burning iron wheels spin on top of me, I will not lose Bodhicitta because of this suffering”, from the “Sutra of Repaying Kindness”.
In 1937, Meng Can was instructed by Master Yan Xu to travel to Xiamen and invite Master Hong Yi to teach Vinaya at the Zhan Shan Temple. Deeply inspired by Master Hong Yi’s teachings, and instructed to promote the Three Sutras of Ksitigarbha, Master Meng Can respectfully asked Master Hong Yi to personally carve out a set of divination dice from sandalwood, with appearances as described in the “Sutra of Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retribution”. This would provide our future generations a means to practice, as the Ksitigarbha method is the most influential for sentient beings of the Saha world during the Saddharmavipralopa era, and is when karmic cause is experienced most deeply.
The “Sutra of Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retribution” is one of the Three Sutras of Ksitigarbha. Its content explains the principles and applications of the divining dice readings. According to the repentance ritual: “The Ritual Practice on the Sutra of Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retribution” compiled by Master Ou Yi (1599 – 1655), if one repents sincerely as taught by the Dharma, one will attain a reading of purity from which wisdom will grow. A reading of purity manifests the good and bad karma or fortunes of the past and current life, and by solving the different kinds of problems we face in life and religious practice, we will experience growth in our wisdom, less hindrance in religious practice, and thus a better life. The first half of the sutra describes the phenomena of the secular world, and the second half discusses the Avatamsaka doctrine. Its Dharma is to achieve one true realm with two kinds of contemplation practices, as well as Anutpattika-dharma-ksanti. The upaya (expedient methods) mentioned in the first section, is used to resolve issues of concentration and wisdom discussed in the second section, and by employing both samatha and vipassana, the philosophy regarding the empty nature of sin and the arising and ceasing of tathatā unravels. All of this is consistent with the Avatamsaka Sūtra, the Mūlajāta-hṛidayabhūmi-dhyāna-sūtra, the commentary on the Daśabhūmika Sūtra, and various sutra commentaries, all of which contain the teachings of Dharma.
Nowadays, the majority of Buddhist temples mostly hold the following Dharma assemblies for repentance rituals: “The Jeweled Repentance of Emperor Liang”, the “Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance”, the “Great Compassion Repentance”, “Medicine Buddha Repentance”, etc. As for the “Sutra of Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retribution”, very few promote or practice this form of repentance ritual. The cause, the principles, and the remarkable significance of the “Sutra of Divining Good and Evil Karmic Retribution” will be discussed in this thesis. Master Ou Yi fr
目次誌謝 Ⅰ
摘要 III
第一章、緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 相關文獻探討 2
第三節 研究方法與範圍 7
第二章 夢參老和尚的生平與思想傳承 9
第一節 夢參老和尚的生平 9
第二節 夢參老和尚的師承 18
一、跟隨高僧學法 18
(一)、虛雲老法師 18
(二)、慈舟老法師 20
(三)、倓虛老法師 22
(四)、弘一老法師 24
二、顯密兼修學習密法 26
(一)、康薩仁波切 27
(二)、頗邦喀仁波切 (1878-1941) 28
(三)、赤江仁波切(1901-1981) 29
第三節 夢參老和尚的著述 31
第四節 弘法度眾,饒益眾生 35
(一)、夢參老和尚與華梵大學之因緣深遠殊勝 35
(二)、校長及華梵同教職同仁跟隨老和尚出家學佛或皈依 37
(三)、任華梵大學講座教授,慈護師生 38
第三章 《占察善惡業報經》的緣起及內容特色 41
第一節 《占察善惡業報經》的緣起 41
第二節《占察善惡業報經》 經題釋義 44
第三節《占察善惡業報經》的內容特色 47
第四章《占察善惡業報經》的義理與修持 61
第一節《占察善惡業報經》的義理 61
第二節 一實境界,修二種觀 65
第三節《占察善惡業報經》的實踐方法 78
一、 占察法 92
二、 輪相 94
第四節《占察善惡業報經》與淨土修行 101
第五章 結論 107
參考文獻 113

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